Delphi 开发 WEB 应用的框架 unigui
uniGUI framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. UniGUI enables developers to create, design and debug their Delphi projects as a regular desktop application and then choose one of the available options for deployment. Such as, Windows Service, standalone or ISAPI.
Based on industry standard Ext JS cross-browser JavaScript library.
Ext JS bindings are created using ExtPascal library wrappers. (ExtPascal self-translates Pascal objects to Ext JS JavaScript objects)
Creates stateful Web applications.
Complete IDE support for creating projects, designing forms and handling data modules.
Delphi style event handling.
Advanced client side event scripting
Automatic handling of Delphi data modules per session.
Deployment options: ISAPI Web application, Standalone Web application, Windows Service Web application.
Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, Delphi XE2 and Delphi XE3 (Win32 & Win64).
Supported C++ Builder versions: C++ Builder 2006 - XE3.